Thursday, September 12, 2013

Improved Paint

Summer can be hard on your vehicles paint with the long sunny, hot days. General Motors is continually improving the paint on its vehicles. Before the 1980’s all automakers used a single topcoat layer to provide a glossy finish. Today to deliver a more durable paint there is a clear coat layer applied on top of a color coat layer making an additional protective shield. This has a positive impact on fender benders causing the paint to dent with the metal instead or flaking or chipping off as it did in the past.

Today’s paint is better engineered to accommodate expansion from heat and contractions from cold without losing luster.

Keep It Shiny
*Wash your vehicle regularly and wipe it dry with a clean, non-abrasive cloth.
*Small messes on the paint like bird droppings should be cleaned up as soon as possible to avoid paint etching.
*If you are determined to have a gleaming look, opt for a gentle automotive wax.

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