Monday, August 26, 2013

This is a Test, a Test of Your MPG

With gasoline costing a pretty chunk of change, we see a lot of people choosing economical cars with more miles per gallon.  Smaller cars with more bang for the buck at the gas pump has an appeal to us. What happens when the miles per gallon start to decrease over time? 

It is good to test your actual miles per gallon from time to time and this is the best way to find out for yourself:

  - -  Next time you fill up your tank, reset your odometer.

    - You can fill up your tank any time after and it doesn’t have to be on empty.  However, the latest EPA’s considerations for mpg are per 100 miles.  

  - -  Take the number of miles listed on your car’s odometer and divide that number by the amount of gallons listed on the pump or the receipt.  

-Write down the number of miles per gallon in your car log. 

     - This reading can be tested as much as possible, but it’s good to perform at least once a month.

If you notice fluctuation or that the number of miles per gallon is decreasing, you might want to bring your vehicle in for a checkup.  It could be as simple as a tune-up to fix the issue, but it’s good to get the diagnoses from a pro.  Here is a link to our service center: 

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